50 goals in a person's life. List of examples of 50 life goals

Goals in life - a list. Examples of 50 life goals. Goals in life - a list. Examples of 50 life goals.

Stupid human goals

The pursuit of a goal in life itself is meaningless. It is important what the goal leads to, what values are implemented. There are goals-dreams that everyone wants, and the benefits of achieving them are not enough. And even more so to put them to no good — they do not motivate.

Take a look at this list of goals in the «MIF blog»:

  1. Attain enlightenment.
    For this purpose, the road to the psychiatric hospital was trodden. Get in line, there won't be enough beds for everyone.
  2. Surround yourself with friends.

    Spend every day of your life as if it were your last: lie on your bed, cough, and surround yourself with friends. Deer in the bed. Spend every day of your life as if it were your last: lie on your bed, cough, and surround yourself with friends. Deer in the bed.

  3. To read 1000 books.
    50 books a year. 20 years of active reading — for what? Fiction novels are rarely written by mentally adequate people, and even less often they have healthy characters — they are boring on the pages.
  4. Become an astronaut.
    Train with ten other astronauts all your life, and only one will fly.
  5. To achieve the perfect physical form.
    Finish yourself off with a barbell before you get old.

This purpose gives rise to flawed motivation. You can't set goals like that. You can go crazy by reaching them, or it is not clear at all for what such reasons someone needs them in the present time.

The list of goals is typical, which is offered to blog readers. Authors, trying to give readers examples of long-term goals, give a set of loops. To strive for such goals without having anything behind them is an Inquisition of the remnants of a sane psyche.

Stupid goals lead nowhere. The gallows of goals. Stupid goals lead nowhere. The gallows of goals.

A vital objective

The goals that we set for ourselves — we need to develop, bring experience, growth of consciousness, and personal responsibility. And not to drive to a mental hospital, intensive care, or a cemetery.

The vital goals are the ones that will develop us. Expand our opportunities, increase our sense of happiness, and improve our mental health and relationships with others.

The world needs a hundred space explorers. If someone truly aspires to be an astronaut-go ahead! Better a happy, wise, responsible person, and at the same time our messenger from Earth. Then an astronaut-unhappy, scared, training, and harassing himself, just because he is not ready to love himself and understand his desires.

I am not against fighting and «huge achievements», but fighting especially with yourself should not be meaningless. There is no need for a dummy in a spacesuit taking a selfie against the Ground.

Spacesuit. Dummy astronaut in a spacesuit taking a selfie on the background of the Earth. Spacesuit. Dummy astronaut in a spacesuit taking a selfie on the background of the Earth.

The main vital goal of a person is to be healthy physically and psychologically. There are not so many people who are self-confident, with positive self-esteem, who know their worth and are able to fulfill their desires. They are able to set a goal of life, to take up the solution of a vital problem for all mankind. They have the courage and strength to solve it, and live happily.

Goals that develop a person

To realize the goal of life, a person has enough average abilities, but not enough average courage. The strength of the mind is needed less than the courage to resist the circumstances and prejudices of others.

A person is ineffective at achieving a goal that does not lead him to something greater than the goal itself. This is why it is so important to practice understanding your desires, needs, and values, to know your strengths, and to be able to work with pleasure.

A Goal without meaning is a deadlock A Goal without meaning is a deadlock
A Goal without meaning is a deadlock

Set short-term goals for independent research, searching for your undisclosed talents. Learn to overcome preconceptions about yourself and what you already «know». Develop self-confidence, make an opinion based on personal experience. Develop courage and the ability to work. You will need all this when you are ready to solve an important problem or implement a complex project.

Example of a list of 50 goals by the sphere of life. 50 life goals of a person

The list of 50 goals is divided by spheres of life. The list of 50 goals is divided by spheres of life.
The list of 50 goals is divided by spheres of life.

It can be difficult to come up with goals if you don't have enough practice and awareness. Therefore, it is useful to view examples of common development goals and adapt to the ones you like.

We offer examples that lead to the development of the individual, to the acquisition of experience, to the expansion of ideas about yourself and the universe. It is desirable to have something else behind these goals, but they will develop you if you decide to achieve them. Collected goals that are more environmentally friendly for our heads.

Health and sports.

Health and sports. – map

  1. Step-by-step course. Draw an intelligence map of your health.
  2. To swim 500 meters. Dive to 8 meters.
  3. Exclude 2-3 harmful products from your diet.
  4. To run 10 km.
  5. During the whole week, use only the food that was prepared by you.
  6. Strengthen your position in life I'm fine, others are fine.
  7. Learn to play table tennis and lawn tennis.
  8. Rocker. Work out for 2-3 months. Get a discharge.

Goals in work, in a career. Financial goals of a person.

Financial goals of a person. Financial goals of a person.

  1. To understand the elements of his vocation: people — man, person — machine, person — symbols.
  2. Increase revenue by 2 times.
  3. Live a week without urgent matters (outside of vacation).
  4. Passive income. $100+ / month.
  5. Work for a company. The company's goals help you realize your dreams.
  6. Control of finances. Record expenses and income for six months.
  7. Get experience in hiring and firing an employee.

Environment, friends.

Public speech. Perform in front of an audience of 30+ people. Public speech. Perform in front of an audience of 30+ people.

  1. Public speech. Perform in front of an audience of 30+ people.
  2. Learn to get acquainted.
  3. Learn to listen carefully to your interlocutor.
  4. Organize an evening of Board games.

Personal relationships, family. Family goals.

Family goals. Family in the palm of your hand. Family goals. Family in the palm of your hand.

  1. Attend a group therapy training session with an experienced psychologist. Make up your mind.
  2. Love is life-affirming. To cure nervousness.
  3. Marry or marry for love.
  4. Go into the role of father or mother. Raise, not raise, a child.
  5. Arrange a «spontaneous» trip.

It is possible to arrange a vacation, add color to life.

It is possible to arrange a vacation, add color to life. It is possible to arrange a vacation, add color to life.

  1. Visit another continent.
  2. King of the mountain – climb the pyramid.
  3. Swim in two oceans.
  4. Live 2 + months in an unfamiliar country.
  5. To be spontaneous. Don't be afraid to look stupid.

Goals for personal development, intelligence, and growth. Reading.

Goals for personal development, intelligence, and growth. Reading. Goals for personal development, intelligence, and growth. Reading.

  1. Read 12 + popular science papers per year.
  2. Get a driver's license. To travel around the serpentine.
  3. Set the goal of learning English. The level of spoken language is above average.
  4. Learn a second foreign language at the basic level.
  5. Live according to the plan of goals for the year with the achievement of 70%+.
  6. Write 10 articles.
  7. Lunch in a prestigious restaurant in the city and leave no tip.

Doing creative work.

Goals for personal development, intelligence, and growth. Reading. Goals for personal development, intelligence, and growth. Reading.

  1. Learn to draw. Write 5 pictures.
  2. Learn to play a musical instrument. Play a tune on the flute, keys, guitar, and drums.
  3. Choose a hobby and think about how to get income from it in the future.
  4. Be able to dance. Dance a staged dance for 1 + minutes.
  5. Sing a song in karaoke or in the Studio.
  6. The creativity manual work. Crafts made of paper, fabric, clay, plasticize, leather.

Spirituality. Spiritual goal. The search for God and spirituality

Is God an atheist? Rarely sees people, begins to doubt that they exist. Is God an atheist? Rarely sees people, begins to doubt that they exist.
Is God an atheist? Rarely sees people, begins to doubt that they exist.

  1. Develop the ability to overcome conviction. Learn something that would disprove my earlier understanding of it.
  2. Ability to overcome an old habit. Retrain yourself in something.
  3. Formulate your purpose.
  4. Practice meditation. Take a course or seminar.
  5. Bring the life balance wheel to 7-10 points.
  6. Read The New Testament. Form an opinion.
  7. Learn to overcome fears. To overcome the 5 fears.
  8. Get an unconventional experience. Astrology, out-of-body experiences, arrangements

Men, their purpose in life

Business is the main goal that a man devotes his time to. He can't do anything without work.
Ideally, this is some kind of enterprise with a humanistic idea, aimed at helping and developing other people.

It is vital for men's nature to explore the world, capture territories (markets), compete with others, and promote new products and services. Realizing his undertaking, a man realizes himself in this world. A business is the second person of a real man.

A man is a researcher by nature. A man is a researcher by nature.
A man is a researcher by nature.

One of the most important goals in a man's life is his BUSINESS.

List of examples of goals for a man and a guy for 5-10 years:

  1. Explore business management methods on your own experience.
  2. Set 50 intermediate or medium-term goals and achieve them.
  3. Develop the company to a turnover of $1 million.
  4. Create a service that makes life easier for other men.
  5. Become an expert in your specialty.

Women's most important goals

Consider the traditional goals of women.

A woman does not have to earn money for her family. This is a man's concern. A woman can also do business. The main thing is that this does not become her main job. She can do her own thing for the soul, but remain true to her feminine nature.

Women's goals in life. The woman is a Keeper. Women's goals in life. The woman is a Keeper.
Women's goals in life. The woman is a Keeper.

Women's vital goals are in the areas of: relationships, beauty, home comfort, giving love to the world, and spiritual practices. Family and taking care of children for women — in the most important place. It makes her happier.

Examples of girls long-term life goals:

  1. Become a spiritual midwife. Popularize «Natural childbirth».
  2. Open a psychological assistance cente.r
  3. To help other women, to build a harmonious relationship.
  4. Encourage a man to perform feats in his business.
  5. Become a teacher by vocation.
  6. Be an example for girls — what can be a woman in age.
  7. Explore alternative perspectives on the question «what it means to be a woman».

Women's goals are aimed at harmony and balance in life. Women's goals are aimed at harmony and balance in life.
Women's goals are aimed at harmony and balance in life.

Women's goals are aimed at harmony and balance in life.

  1. Birth of a child according to the Lotus method.
  2. Creative development: dance, music, painting.
  3. Create a blog. Debunking myths about child development.
  4. Go on a journey and write a novel about adventures.
  5. To study interior design.
  6. Set a goal to learn sewing skills. Create a design for your collection.
  7. Try to be happier. Clear your emotional blocks.

How to write your 50 goals in life-the answer

Create lists of examples of goals and ideas. Make all sorts of different dreams and goals. Divide your goals into categories: short-term (up to 1 month), medium-term (1 year), and long-term (2-5 years). When 50 or more goals are accumulated, resort them and add them to your list of goals for the year. I store lists on Evernote and in Notepad.

Take time and make your list of 50 life goals. Take time and make your list of 50 life goals.
Take time and make your list of 50 life goals.

To determine your goals, we recommend the exercise «50 goals and 50 desires». First, you need to define the circle of your desires and start implementing them. Then, where you most want to continue working, look for a more global goal. The ideal is to search for the problem, the need for humanity, and satisfy it.

Formulate not just selfish goals in life, but also those aimed at benefiting people. The goal of «Becoming a famous chef» will not bring as much satisfaction as the organization of a children's center. The very phrase «Become famous» speaks of an unhealthy psyche, of disliking in childhood. If you suddenly want to be famous, first satisfy your spiritual need for love. To save the world after you save yourself. First, cultivate a strong egoism, and altruism itself will appear, there is no need to force it.

The ideal goal of a person's life is when you give yourself to the universe. The ideal goal of a person's life is when you give yourself to the universe.

The ideal goal of a person's life is when you give yourself to the universe and get high from it. You only need the freedom to do what you like. You don't have to get approval, recognition, or fame. You don't need to know five languages to earn respect and admiration. Feel good both alone and in a team, doing what you think is right.

Choose your vital goals and hit the road to yourself.


https://goal-life.com/en/50-goals, 4201236148


  1. A. Lepilina – «50 goals in a person's life»
  2. Psychologist with 20 years of experience – «Text interview somewhere on the Internet»